Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Health plans

The headline and blurb today on www.signonsandiego.com (website for the internationally-acclaimed San Diego Union-Tribune) reads:

Democrats seek quick pact on budget plan

Congressional Democrats push to wrap up negotiations on a budget plan that would help President Barack Obama's ambitious goal of overhauling the health care system. The tentative pact would prevent Senate Republicans from delaying or blocking Obama's health plan.

Just imagine if this story instead were about George W. Bush's efforts with a unified Republican Congress to overhaul Social Security. It might look like this:

Republicans' Closed-Door Session Putting 40 Million Elderly at Risk

Congressional Republicans are in a closed-door session to rush President Bush's risky Social Security scheme. House and Senate Democrats are protesting the move, pointing out that they have been kept out of the negotiations and that Republicans are skirting 200-year old Congressional rules in preventing their participation.

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