Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Thank you, Baby Boomers!

I strangely find myself agreeing with Brian Williams. The US is broken and needs fixing - and it's the Baby Boomers who broke it for us! One long, destructive generation did everything in its power to either break us outright, or to not get in the way of people bent on destroying us. A precious few Boomers had the chutzpah to stand in the path of the bulldozers.

We need fixing! Someone push all the Boomers out of power, please, and put my generation in charge. We at least have a lot of the common sense our parents lacked.

Here's my take:

1. The Boomers didn't want to offend illegals, so never actually deported them. Deport them now.
2. The Boomers didn't want to offend environmentalists, so we can't actually tap our own natural resources. Drill, dig, pluck, grow, and take any resource we need to put the US back on the top of the football pile.
3. The Boomers didn't want to offend the Democrats, so we have abortion unchecked. Please re-check it and let the States hash it out on a state-by-state basis.
4. The Boomers didn't want to offend the Gays, so now the Full Faith & Credit clause of Article IV of the US Constitution will transport this new institution across the borders of Vermont and California, into every other State. It's practically inevitable.
5. The Boomers didn't want to offend the insaniacs out there, so now our streets are flooded with homeless. Oh yeah, we're flooded with Boomers who don't want to work too (and unfortunate, moral-free people of my own generation as well), posing as homeless and feeding like leeches off the goodness of others.
6. The Boomers didn't want to feel they were excluding people for a little thing like culture or religion, so they instituted a general policy of placing every culture and religion ahead of those our country used for its foundation. Now, we have humanists, communists, socialists, terrorists, extremist Muslims, pagans and Jedi all in positions of superiority ahead of ourselves. All things are equal, but Jews and Christians are a little less equal than everyone else.
7. The Boomers want to feel cozy when they sleep at night, so they didn't want to kill bad people. "Let the poor convicts sleep in little beds with full workout gyms and nice cable TV on our children's dime," they said. "Executing capital punishment," pardon the pun, "...would make us feel bad." So now we're burdened with caring for people to live a natural life even though they deserve to die. Like Mumia! Stop dithering and EXECUTE MUMIA NOW.

There's plenty more, but the message is the same - the Boomers wanted to have their feel-good cake and eat it too, and stick my generation with the bill... sometimes literally.

Thank you, Boomers. You did a bang-up job.

(DISCLAIMER: about 30% of the Boomers stuck to their guns and managed to obstruct their way into completely handing my country over to tyranny. Thanks for standing out, you were truly Sicut lilium inter spinas, the lily among the thorns.

1 comment:

Comanche157 said...

Just found your blog! Amazing! I like your thinking! -Michigander