Monday, June 23, 2008

Supporting Mumia: Just Another Liberal Front

Whether or not Mumia should be executed is now beside the point in light of the fact that he has been found guilty in a court of law by a jury’s unanimous decision. The fact that he has been given chances to plead his case for a new trial and the decision has consistently been in the negative contributes to the needlessness of trying to establish whether he did it or not in hope that the judicial system will turn itself on its head to accommodate Mumia (who by the way has a reputation for being sooooo kind towards police and the U.S. judicial system in general.)

Mumia says he is the victim of a racist plot against him. You don’t say....

Now, before I am labeled as a xenophobic racist it should be understood that I am Black. Before I am labeled as a turncoat who was brainwashed by an evil conservative environment it should be understood that was raised and currently live in Hawaii, a state ruled by Democrats for over 40 years. The thoughts I write are my own- the result of a combination of study, experience and an interest in social and political issues.

So what is it that causes so many to take up the Mumia banner and parade him to the world as not only a hero but the real victim in the murder of Officer Daniel Faulkner? The usual suspects of the Liberal star power heroes club are on board the free Mumia Express including Paul Newman, Susan Sarandon, Whoopi Goldberg, and Oliver Stone to name a very few.

History has proven that liberals will jump on any emotional issue, claiming to stand up for the little guy, the voiceless, the defenseless. Mumia is far from any of these three designations, but he does have something that attracts the lefties... a disdain for our government and our legal system. Anyone who points the finger of scorn at the US for the world’s problems has won themselves the lefty patrol’s backing and protection. Extra kudos if you tear down President Bush. After all, President Bush planned 9-11, personally raised oil prices and single-handedly caused Hurricane Katrina.

Mumia has an interesting collection of liberal friendly traits. 1) He’s a minority. (To lefties, being a minority means you were born a victim. 2) He has written anti-government and anti-American literature. (Lefties call this “revolutionary” or “progressive” thinking.) 3) He stands accused, charged and convicted of a crime and has had the sentence of death pronounced on him. (Capital punishment is a liberal hot topic. To liberals, the death penalty is their anti-Christ. Yet most will tell us not to call Jihad or public executions in Muslim countries evil.)

The point here is that it is not and will never be Mumia that these lefties are standing up for. They are not standing for anything. They are, true to form, standing against something. They are standing against the death penalty, against law enforcement’s doing their job (precisely because the law doesn’t accommodate a murderer who just happens to be black) and against the judicial and executive branches of government as long as Bush is president. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are just holding out on the possibility of an Obama presidential pardon. We’ll keep our eyes open…

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