Saturday, July 26, 2008

Obama Endorsements

An old scripture reads “By their fruits shall ye shall know them.” In other words your works are the indication of who you are. This holds true in politics. A politician can say all he wants, but at the end of the day it is what you do that distinguishes you one way or the other.

In politics, we could add one more saying to the previous. “By their supporters shall ye know them.”

Mr. Bill Ayers, the America hating domestic terrorist who says his only regret after setting off bombs in his own country was that he hadn’t done more. He also said that given the chance to do it all over again, he would do it. Mr. Ayers hosted a large scale fundraising event at his home. Guess who he was working to raise funds for…Barak Obama.

Hugo Chavez, dictator of Venezuela supported Obama. The terrorist organization Hamas was among his biggest fans. insulted our troops and took an ugly shot at integrity of General David Petraeus. They Love Obama. Spike Lee, who was publicly angry that Clint Eastwood didn’t put any Blacks in his film depiction of the events of Iwo Jima proudly sports his Obama Tshirt.

On Dec 10 1998, Dale Leo Bishop who was involved in the murder of a man using a claw hammer. He was executed on July 23rd this year. His final words before being executed included his endorsement of Barack Obama.

Can we realistically even consider entrusting a man who is enthusiastically endorsed by the worst people humanity has to offer with the sacred trust of leading and protecting the citizens of this country? In the words of another scripture: “Let us be wise and consider these things.”

Friday, July 25, 2008

Obama's Armor

We all know how Former President Bill Clinton earned the nickname “the comeback kid.” He could do any unethical thing, create any bogus policy, and articulate any thoughtless comment. If caught, even in the most public of ways, he could always bounce back. Of course, this was not entirely out of his own ability. He was always protected by powerful supporters, like minded politicians and an adoring media full of starry eyed admirers who cared more about how sexy he was or what he was wearing than how he was leading the free world. Sound like a certain superstar presidential candidate?

Mr. Obama has the same influence, but he has modified the comeback kid mantle. He could now become the armored kid. He has put on the armor of racial tension to protect himself from the spears, darts and any other possible blows from anyone who may happen to disagree with him. It may have been a subtle move to some, but anyone who has been paying attention to what comes out of Obama’s mouth have seen this armor being built for quite some time.

We saw it back when the Jeremiah Wright scandal broke. Obama’s first response was to lecture America on race relations. Within that speech he reiterated the same bogus line of victim mentality sold to Blacks for years. He also defended Wright while throwing his own mother in front of the train by labeling her as having some sort of subconscious racial tendency. We saw it when Obama told an audience that conservatives will try to make everyone afraid of him and they will say “did I mention he’s Black?”(Obama’s own words). Many political commentators called that one as it was. He was placing the first pieces of his armor on in that comment by implying that anyone who disagreed with him or criticized him in any way was racist. If that wasn’t enough evidence of what was happening, look at the New York Times/CBS poll that reports 39% of White Americans believing race relations in America are ok while 60% of Black Americans do not think race relations are ok. Along with that, the poll concluded that most White Americans are not ready for a Black President. So there it is. If you don’t support Obama, it’s because you’re racist.

I am growing very tired as many Americans are, of the candidate of change. He has changed nothing. He is Jesse Jackson without the pit bull face. He is Al Sharpton without the weight and the James Brown wannabe hair. He just happens to be younger, better looking and a more subtle Marxist. Obama is nothing new. Let’s hope that people will get over the star-struck love affair with the hope messiah and start to see him for who he is.