Friday, September 5, 2008


One more bit of analysis our high-paid news folks can't muster:

We know that today, Condoleeza Rice made the US' first official visit to Libya since 1957.
Also today, the head of the Libyan Oil Corporation said that the world oil supply is overstocked.
Later today, the price of oil fell below $106/barrel.

Let me spell it out for you. Part of the price of giving Libya this bit of prestige, was getting them to do something to push the price of oil down a bit. It does not matter whether the statement was based in fact; and it does not matter that the article about the oil price points to demand. What matters is fact: this statement was a tit-for-tat yet again, this time in our favor (in the short term).

In this case, we did make sure a bad guy was executed in the general vicinity of General Qaddafi (Saddam Hussein). If we kill more bad guys, more of this oil goodness will happen. Execute Mumia Now.


Here's one connection none of the idiotic PolySci degrees in our major news networks could cobble together:

Everyone knows that Russia smashed Georgia as a result of the South Ossetia squabble.
...The US promptly stood feebly by Georgia's side.
Everyone now knows that North Korea stopped disabling its Cold-War era nuclear reactor at Yongbyon on August 26, 2008 and is now reassembling the noxious hunk of junk.

What I'm seeing nowhere is anyone connecting the dots. See here for a cursory history of North Korea's Great Leader, Kim Il-Sung. He escaped the Japanese occupation to Moscow and learned his core Stalinist principles (which he promptly tossed aside to create a self-deification-plus-hereditary succession). Since his first days in power, he has manipulated relationships with China and Russia (née USSR) to keep himself fed and in power. In a tradition fully embraced by his son, Kim Jong-Il, North Korea can usually feed off one or the other. In boon times, the country can feed off both.

There is absolutely no coincidence in the fact that North Korea started this progression two weeks after the United States' original rebuke and movements against Russia. There is a tit-for-tat in front of our faces here - likely conversations between Pyongyang's Russian liaison, loads of food and who-knows-what-else flying into Pyongyang, and a fart in the US' general direction.

(P.S. The bad guys feel more confident playing their childish games when we don't have the intestinal fortitude to execute the bad guys. Execute Mumia Now.)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

High Screwel

So Los Angeles likes spending $350 Million on a ridiculous downtown-area high school. Exactly the sort of place young Mumias are raised and street-educated. If we don't execute Mumia now, they'll continue to grow in their obstinacy, except now within the luxurious confines of bloated, overexpensive public schools.

Don't worry, young Mumias will scrawl their gang signs into those soft, maple dance floors, and graffiti the 3,000-person gym until its unrecognizable.

Soon it'll be a campus worth only the dirt beneath it, and will still cost $250k/year just to operate the gas problem -- not just the one from overpaid State teachers.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Left and the Definition of Hypocrisy

The 'net is abuzz with all the scandalous rumors, perpetuated by the Left, that Sarah Palin is a bad mother, and that her daughter had a baby out of wedlock and is being hidden among Gov Palin's children masquerading as her own child. Of course, the announcement came today that her 17 yr old daughter is now pregnant.

The Left has a few tenets that never fail:
  • Every birth out of wedlock is a beautiful thing.
  • Every birth in wedlock is a sad sign of the misogynistic culture we're unfortunate enough to live in.
  • Every working mother is a beautiful thing, for women can do all things simultaneously and should not have to decide between work and family.
  • Every mother who stays home to care for her children is just another sign of the misogynistic culture we're unfortunate enough to live in.

However, if you look at the substance of the Left's criticism, you see they are claiming Sarah Palin is a bad person for working while her children need attention. You see they claim Sarah Palin would give better care for her kids if she stayed off the campaign trail. You'll see scandalous whispers that she would dare have a child who would get pregnant outside the bounds of holy matrimony. This all from the same Left who considered it a non-story that the #3 Democrat was shacking up in L.A.

They're all liars. Just remember that if you're considering voting for these losers. If you think babies deserve to live and murderers and rapists deserve to die, remember the opposite will come to pass if Obama is elected. Regardless of what he says, humanity's blights such as Mumia will live while the purely innocent will die, all under the Obama Presidency.