Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A letter to a local right-wing host

Listening to Rick Roberts (who sometimes fills in for Michael Savage) this morning, I heard him talking about how Obama will ruin America. He talked about the capital gains doubling and how it will push people out of business. He complained that we'll have a Misery Index again. I'm sure the rest of the day will show a parade of radio hosts with the same complaints.

But I disagree. As I wrote to Rick via email today:


I love your show, but you're wrong.

If/when Obama wins, there will never be doom-and-gloom reports, Misery Indexes or anything else. Here's why: if you go to South Korea, and manage to find the banned radio broadcasts from Communist North Korea, every report begins with, 'Our Dear Leader is Kim Jong-IL' and then a few minutes about how wonderful and self-reliant the North is.

After Obama wins, every news broadcast will begin extolling B. Hussein Obama's virtues, and then how wonderful the US of A is, and then will mention a few things about the news. We will never hear about ppl going out of business. If anything, we'll hear about greedy business owners shutting their doors as the misers cling to their last profits.

They're coming after you, too. It will be a dangerous 8 years for all of us.


Yes, ladies and gents. You can look forward to 8 years of sunshine and lollipops. We have always been at war with Eastasia.

Friday, September 5, 2008


One more bit of analysis our high-paid news folks can't muster:

We know that today, Condoleeza Rice made the US' first official visit to Libya since 1957.
Also today, the head of the Libyan Oil Corporation said that the world oil supply is overstocked.
Later today, the price of oil fell below $106/barrel.

Let me spell it out for you. Part of the price of giving Libya this bit of prestige, was getting them to do something to push the price of oil down a bit. It does not matter whether the statement was based in fact; and it does not matter that the article about the oil price points to demand. What matters is fact: this statement was a tit-for-tat yet again, this time in our favor (in the short term).

In this case, we did make sure a bad guy was executed in the general vicinity of General Qaddafi (Saddam Hussein). If we kill more bad guys, more of this oil goodness will happen. Execute Mumia Now.


Here's one connection none of the idiotic PolySci degrees in our major news networks could cobble together:

Everyone knows that Russia smashed Georgia as a result of the South Ossetia squabble.
...The US promptly stood feebly by Georgia's side.
Everyone now knows that North Korea stopped disabling its Cold-War era nuclear reactor at Yongbyon on August 26, 2008 and is now reassembling the noxious hunk of junk.

What I'm seeing nowhere is anyone connecting the dots. See here for a cursory history of North Korea's Great Leader, Kim Il-Sung. He escaped the Japanese occupation to Moscow and learned his core Stalinist principles (which he promptly tossed aside to create a self-deification-plus-hereditary succession). Since his first days in power, he has manipulated relationships with China and Russia (née USSR) to keep himself fed and in power. In a tradition fully embraced by his son, Kim Jong-Il, North Korea can usually feed off one or the other. In boon times, the country can feed off both.

There is absolutely no coincidence in the fact that North Korea started this progression two weeks after the United States' original rebuke and movements against Russia. There is a tit-for-tat in front of our faces here - likely conversations between Pyongyang's Russian liaison, loads of food and who-knows-what-else flying into Pyongyang, and a fart in the US' general direction.

(P.S. The bad guys feel more confident playing their childish games when we don't have the intestinal fortitude to execute the bad guys. Execute Mumia Now.)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

High Screwel

So Los Angeles likes spending $350 Million on a ridiculous downtown-area high school. Exactly the sort of place young Mumias are raised and street-educated. If we don't execute Mumia now, they'll continue to grow in their obstinacy, except now within the luxurious confines of bloated, overexpensive public schools.

Don't worry, young Mumias will scrawl their gang signs into those soft, maple dance floors, and graffiti the 3,000-person gym until its unrecognizable.

Soon it'll be a campus worth only the dirt beneath it, and will still cost $250k/year just to operate the gas problem -- not just the one from overpaid State teachers.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Left and the Definition of Hypocrisy

The 'net is abuzz with all the scandalous rumors, perpetuated by the Left, that Sarah Palin is a bad mother, and that her daughter had a baby out of wedlock and is being hidden among Gov Palin's children masquerading as her own child. Of course, the announcement came today that her 17 yr old daughter is now pregnant.

The Left has a few tenets that never fail:
  • Every birth out of wedlock is a beautiful thing.
  • Every birth in wedlock is a sad sign of the misogynistic culture we're unfortunate enough to live in.
  • Every working mother is a beautiful thing, for women can do all things simultaneously and should not have to decide between work and family.
  • Every mother who stays home to care for her children is just another sign of the misogynistic culture we're unfortunate enough to live in.

However, if you look at the substance of the Left's criticism, you see they are claiming Sarah Palin is a bad person for working while her children need attention. You see they claim Sarah Palin would give better care for her kids if she stayed off the campaign trail. You'll see scandalous whispers that she would dare have a child who would get pregnant outside the bounds of holy matrimony. This all from the same Left who considered it a non-story that the #3 Democrat was shacking up in L.A.

They're all liars. Just remember that if you're considering voting for these losers. If you think babies deserve to live and murderers and rapists deserve to die, remember the opposite will come to pass if Obama is elected. Regardless of what he says, humanity's blights such as Mumia will live while the purely innocent will die, all under the Obama Presidency.


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Obama Endorsements

An old scripture reads “By their fruits shall ye shall know them.” In other words your works are the indication of who you are. This holds true in politics. A politician can say all he wants, but at the end of the day it is what you do that distinguishes you one way or the other.

In politics, we could add one more saying to the previous. “By their supporters shall ye know them.”

Mr. Bill Ayers, the America hating domestic terrorist who says his only regret after setting off bombs in his own country was that he hadn’t done more. He also said that given the chance to do it all over again, he would do it. Mr. Ayers hosted a large scale fundraising event at his home. Guess who he was working to raise funds for…Barak Obama.

Hugo Chavez, dictator of Venezuela supported Obama. The terrorist organization Hamas was among his biggest fans. insulted our troops and took an ugly shot at integrity of General David Petraeus. They Love Obama. Spike Lee, who was publicly angry that Clint Eastwood didn’t put any Blacks in his film depiction of the events of Iwo Jima proudly sports his Obama Tshirt.

On Dec 10 1998, Dale Leo Bishop who was involved in the murder of a man using a claw hammer. He was executed on July 23rd this year. His final words before being executed included his endorsement of Barack Obama.

Can we realistically even consider entrusting a man who is enthusiastically endorsed by the worst people humanity has to offer with the sacred trust of leading and protecting the citizens of this country? In the words of another scripture: “Let us be wise and consider these things.”

Friday, July 25, 2008

Obama's Armor

We all know how Former President Bill Clinton earned the nickname “the comeback kid.” He could do any unethical thing, create any bogus policy, and articulate any thoughtless comment. If caught, even in the most public of ways, he could always bounce back. Of course, this was not entirely out of his own ability. He was always protected by powerful supporters, like minded politicians and an adoring media full of starry eyed admirers who cared more about how sexy he was or what he was wearing than how he was leading the free world. Sound like a certain superstar presidential candidate?

Mr. Obama has the same influence, but he has modified the comeback kid mantle. He could now become the armored kid. He has put on the armor of racial tension to protect himself from the spears, darts and any other possible blows from anyone who may happen to disagree with him. It may have been a subtle move to some, but anyone who has been paying attention to what comes out of Obama’s mouth have seen this armor being built for quite some time.

We saw it back when the Jeremiah Wright scandal broke. Obama’s first response was to lecture America on race relations. Within that speech he reiterated the same bogus line of victim mentality sold to Blacks for years. He also defended Wright while throwing his own mother in front of the train by labeling her as having some sort of subconscious racial tendency. We saw it when Obama told an audience that conservatives will try to make everyone afraid of him and they will say “did I mention he’s Black?”(Obama’s own words). Many political commentators called that one as it was. He was placing the first pieces of his armor on in that comment by implying that anyone who disagreed with him or criticized him in any way was racist. If that wasn’t enough evidence of what was happening, look at the New York Times/CBS poll that reports 39% of White Americans believing race relations in America are ok while 60% of Black Americans do not think race relations are ok. Along with that, the poll concluded that most White Americans are not ready for a Black President. So there it is. If you don’t support Obama, it’s because you’re racist.

I am growing very tired as many Americans are, of the candidate of change. He has changed nothing. He is Jesse Jackson without the pit bull face. He is Al Sharpton without the weight and the James Brown wannabe hair. He just happens to be younger, better looking and a more subtle Marxist. Obama is nothing new. Let’s hope that people will get over the star-struck love affair with the hope messiah and start to see him for who he is.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Today's ridiculous Supreme Court decision reflects the Left's goals - logic and reason-free, they are entirely based on ideology. Here's a quick summary:
- The voters of Louisiana, and two juries of murderers' peers, have decided that child rape has grave enough consequences of the death penalty.
- The Supreme Court weighed in on a convicted [adult victim] rapist in the 70s, determining that such rapists deserve to have a long, meaningful life behind bars. Essentially, rape of a woman isn't destructive enough to pass their "cruel and unusual punishment" test.
- When these decisions happen, States follow with written laws reflecting the Supreme Court's stance. It's inevitable - if those laws don't get changed, then the State will waste tens of millions of dollars in prosecuting cases that will get slapped down by higher courts (who are only following the Supreme Court's guidance!). The point is that: Sure, 45 states have passed laws saying "No executions for any crime that manages to leave the victim alive." But the existence of these laws is not evidence of a trend in national sentiment. Herein is Justice Kennedy's (and the other 4 Justices siding with him) great dishonesty. He knows it, but he's been willing to use a house of cards to support many of his major decisions (such as leaving Roe v. Wade intact)
- A small handful of States decided, since the 70s case was based on an adult woman and child rape is even more abhorrent, we should be allowed to sentence child rapists to death. This makes sense, of course, because a child rapist effectively destroys a life - some such victims would rather be dead because their psyche has been utterly demolished.
- The Supreme Court majority, led by Anthony Kennedy, cited its own infinite wisdom and the inevitable results of its own 1970s decision (and the unavoidable slew of State laws following the Court's iron-fisted ruling). He said that there's been no trend toward executing felons for crimes other than first-degree murder, and there aren't a lot of laws on the books allowing executions for any such crimes.
There have been no such murders because Justice Kennedy's own Court outlawed it 30 years ago! We would have dozens of such laws if the Supreme Court would allow us to have them!

Really, it just makes me want to scream.

Quick! Before the Supreme Court disallows any executions, Execute Mumia Now! It's a close call, though. Any mental deficiencies would prevent the execution outright, thanks to more recent Supreme Court rulings. If I were Mumia's defense attorney, I'd just have him drool a little...

The result here is that child rape will increase - the offenders know there's a limited amount of punishment the State can pass down. The Court has just endangered all of our children a little bit more.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Supporting Mumia: Just Another Liberal Front

Whether or not Mumia should be executed is now beside the point in light of the fact that he has been found guilty in a court of law by a jury’s unanimous decision. The fact that he has been given chances to plead his case for a new trial and the decision has consistently been in the negative contributes to the needlessness of trying to establish whether he did it or not in hope that the judicial system will turn itself on its head to accommodate Mumia (who by the way has a reputation for being sooooo kind towards police and the U.S. judicial system in general.)

Mumia says he is the victim of a racist plot against him. You don’t say....

Now, before I am labeled as a xenophobic racist it should be understood that I am Black. Before I am labeled as a turncoat who was brainwashed by an evil conservative environment it should be understood that was raised and currently live in Hawaii, a state ruled by Democrats for over 40 years. The thoughts I write are my own- the result of a combination of study, experience and an interest in social and political issues.

So what is it that causes so many to take up the Mumia banner and parade him to the world as not only a hero but the real victim in the murder of Officer Daniel Faulkner? The usual suspects of the Liberal star power heroes club are on board the free Mumia Express including Paul Newman, Susan Sarandon, Whoopi Goldberg, and Oliver Stone to name a very few.

History has proven that liberals will jump on any emotional issue, claiming to stand up for the little guy, the voiceless, the defenseless. Mumia is far from any of these three designations, but he does have something that attracts the lefties... a disdain for our government and our legal system. Anyone who points the finger of scorn at the US for the world’s problems has won themselves the lefty patrol’s backing and protection. Extra kudos if you tear down President Bush. After all, President Bush planned 9-11, personally raised oil prices and single-handedly caused Hurricane Katrina.

Mumia has an interesting collection of liberal friendly traits. 1) He’s a minority. (To lefties, being a minority means you were born a victim. 2) He has written anti-government and anti-American literature. (Lefties call this “revolutionary” or “progressive” thinking.) 3) He stands accused, charged and convicted of a crime and has had the sentence of death pronounced on him. (Capital punishment is a liberal hot topic. To liberals, the death penalty is their anti-Christ. Yet most will tell us not to call Jihad or public executions in Muslim countries evil.)

The point here is that it is not and will never be Mumia that these lefties are standing up for. They are not standing for anything. They are, true to form, standing against something. They are standing against the death penalty, against law enforcement’s doing their job (precisely because the law doesn’t accommodate a murderer who just happens to be black) and against the judicial and executive branches of government as long as Bush is president. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are just holding out on the possibility of an Obama presidential pardon. We’ll keep our eyes open…

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Thank you, Baby Boomers!

I strangely find myself agreeing with Brian Williams. The US is broken and needs fixing - and it's the Baby Boomers who broke it for us! One long, destructive generation did everything in its power to either break us outright, or to not get in the way of people bent on destroying us. A precious few Boomers had the chutzpah to stand in the path of the bulldozers.

We need fixing! Someone push all the Boomers out of power, please, and put my generation in charge. We at least have a lot of the common sense our parents lacked.

Here's my take:

1. The Boomers didn't want to offend illegals, so never actually deported them. Deport them now.
2. The Boomers didn't want to offend environmentalists, so we can't actually tap our own natural resources. Drill, dig, pluck, grow, and take any resource we need to put the US back on the top of the football pile.
3. The Boomers didn't want to offend the Democrats, so we have abortion unchecked. Please re-check it and let the States hash it out on a state-by-state basis.
4. The Boomers didn't want to offend the Gays, so now the Full Faith & Credit clause of Article IV of the US Constitution will transport this new institution across the borders of Vermont and California, into every other State. It's practically inevitable.
5. The Boomers didn't want to offend the insaniacs out there, so now our streets are flooded with homeless. Oh yeah, we're flooded with Boomers who don't want to work too (and unfortunate, moral-free people of my own generation as well), posing as homeless and feeding like leeches off the goodness of others.
6. The Boomers didn't want to feel they were excluding people for a little thing like culture or religion, so they instituted a general policy of placing every culture and religion ahead of those our country used for its foundation. Now, we have humanists, communists, socialists, terrorists, extremist Muslims, pagans and Jedi all in positions of superiority ahead of ourselves. All things are equal, but Jews and Christians are a little less equal than everyone else.
7. The Boomers want to feel cozy when they sleep at night, so they didn't want to kill bad people. "Let the poor convicts sleep in little beds with full workout gyms and nice cable TV on our children's dime," they said. "Executing capital punishment," pardon the pun, "...would make us feel bad." So now we're burdened with caring for people to live a natural life even though they deserve to die. Like Mumia! Stop dithering and EXECUTE MUMIA NOW.

There's plenty more, but the message is the same - the Boomers wanted to have their feel-good cake and eat it too, and stick my generation with the bill... sometimes literally.

Thank you, Boomers. You did a bang-up job.

(DISCLAIMER: about 30% of the Boomers stuck to their guns and managed to obstruct their way into completely handing my country over to tyranny. Thanks for standing out, you were truly Sicut lilium inter spinas, the lily among the thorns.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Frankly My Dear, I Don't Give a Damn

The illegal alien debate is not one about immigrants. We aren't in the 19th century when everyone hates the Irish and Italians. This is the 21st century and we all know we're descendants of immigrants (and if we didn't, we're reminded ad nauseum).

When the MSM paints a picture of a societal trend involving immigrants, they're taking aim at the Right. They know brutally well that the right wing is very concerned about illegal immigration. They also know that we're not actually racists and xenophobes. But by couching every conceivable article in terms of immigration - period - they are twisting the Right's arguments.

Today's example? This article about the Los Angeles workforce. I don't care how many Los Angelens are immigrants. What I care about are raw numbers of illegals. The MSM won't give us that info though - they show us stats on immigrants. Thus, all immigrants are good, and anyone disliking any section of that population must be a xenophobe, a racist and a bigot.

Yeah, there is one thing I hate - the people who keep telling me I'm a hater if I don't conform. The problem is they're intellectually dishonest with the public and even themselves.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Guns & Ammo

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment II

Let's talk about that 2nd Amendment issue from my previous post for a moment. I believe the ACLU's stance on the 2nd Amendment is erroneous - the Bill of Rights tackle individual rights. Taken in context, it's obvious that the right to bear arms falls right in line with the right against search and seizure, the right of free speech and the right of assembly. If their stance on the 2nd Amendment were true, then the tenor of the other Amendments in the BoR would be more collective. The right to free speech would be a right for a group of people to make an organization and then to issue statements without going to jail. The freedom of Press would only be for large news organizations, not for individuals like unto those who wrote the Federalist Papers. The protections against search and seizure would not apply to individual abodes. And thus they could say the 2nd Amendment only provided a right to be a member of the National Guard and hold a weapon in the course of your duties. Their unintelligent stance on the 2nd Amendment (and their deathgrip on its interpretation, all hopes pinned on the Supreme Court forever refusing to incorporate this Amendment along with... 1, 4, 5, and 6?). Instead, it appears to be consistent with the Leftist view that any rule constraining individual rights is a good rule.

I must also say, that the Left's (and the ACLU with them) interpretation of individual firearm ownership is also inconsistent with the realities of pre-1950 America. If the Founders had intended to criminalize individual firearm ownership, they would have died in every encounter with the Indians and wild animals. Outside of the several Cities within the several States, early America was a wild and dangerous place, and the Manifest Destiny never would have been realized. We needed, and need, individual firearms. Now, American cities are bordering on lawlessness, and we need individual, legal firearm ownership to stave off the mobs. It's just as wild and dangerous as ever.

Al-Qaeda Idiots

One thing you can never use as an accusation Al-Qaeda spokespeople: moral and intellectual honesty. In the name of Allah, you see, they find solace in lies because their religious beliefs are so pure. Please, no one point out the discrepancies in their thought processes.

Now, today the Al-Qaeda spokesman says, "We don't kill innocents." Idiot and a liar. Please, someone tell him I said so - and he can take up my problems with my exercised 2nd Amendment rights (those rights the equally dishonest ACLU-types don't believe I have). At least in America, when we drop a stray bomb on a wedding ceremony we apologize, hand out money, and try not to do it again. We even apologize when one of the attendees firing his weapon gloriously into the air is a known militant, but therein lies a question for another day.

Al-Qaeda and their compatriots believe all individuals standing in the way of their cowardly little explosions are complicit in the "crimes" of the intended targets, or so they say. What they really mean is anyone non-Muslim, or anyone Muslim who refuses to kill non-Muslims on sight, is complicit in crimes against Allah and thus deserves to die. Please, someone show them one of the Ahmed the Dead Terrorist videos.

(And someone tell my fellow blogger to stop editing and start posting.)

Friday, March 28, 2008

Condoleeza Rice today

I find it compelling to comment on Secretary Rice's comments today. I know the Mumia lovers uniformly hate Condi (while concomitantly complaining - loudly - that Conservatives can't get away from groupthink). I also know that she has experienced more of the Black experience than people like Reverend Wright, Obama's pastor, who's moving into a 10,000 sq ft hovel.

Secretary Rice said the following:
"What I would like understood as a black American is that black Americans loved and had faith in this country even when this country didn't love and have faith in them — and that's our legacy."

What I would argue is that Obama-like Blacks do not have that legacy. Senator BH Obama in particular does not have long enough Black roots in this country to have that legacy. And I must quietly remind all of Black America that none of their compatriots have any living memories of slavery. By the way, neither do/did their parents. And only a few of their grandparents did, if any. So we're stuck with the quandary that so many Blacks have flat-screen (and might I add, black in color) tv's and car loans while simultaneously complaining that they're oppressed by racist White America. At the same time, their ancestors' struggle with lives of slavery is cheapened. It is cheapened because their outspoken leaders like Obama might as well be White for all of their family history devoid of slavery.

I must add one more point. The whole idea that modern-day Blacks are kept down by the legacy of slavery goes against all things American. Let me draw the line for you: We do not believe in being tied down or promoted because of our forefathers' success or failures. We do not believe in rulers who inherit their mantle. We do not punish children for the mistakes of their fathers. There are exceptions but they're generally in the private sector (i.e., Ivy League legacy admission traditions). These rules generally hold fast. If we are not beholden to our parents' successes and failures, then it is against all tradition to point to our lot in life and say it is the direct result of one person's situation 150 years ago.

I hate how many tangents I'm seeing and chasing, but I must bring up one more point. For the same reasons as I've outlined in the previous paragraph, I am completely against giving people benefits for their paternity. For example, in the State of Hawaii there are tremendous pecuniary benefits reserved for those with Hawaiian blood. I can perhaps understand why pure-blood Hawaiians would have a benefit or two - they'll all be gone sooner or later anyway. But it is incomprehensible that private and public moneys should be set aside for someone whose grandfather's grandfather happened to have Hawaiian blood, but their other 29 ancestors all happen to be Chinese, White, Portuguese and Filipino. Completely ridiculous.

Let me take this back to the point at hand. If your grandfather' grandfather was a slave, but your other 29 ancestors were all European, non-slave African, and Asian, it is completely inappropriate to assign you reparations. And yet it is very likely that a reparations system would pay people on a combination of skin color and provable slave roots.

As a point of note, some of my paternal ancestors owned slaves. I, however, did not benefit in any way from that ownership. I would argue, in fact, that at several turns I have suffered for that ownership. Does that make me a victim or an angry white male?

It makes me work harder. How about you?

(I'm remiss, posting every spare thought while my compadre is getting himself ready to post as well. I'll try to resist till his arrival on the scene...)


Thursday, March 27, 2008

What my detractors will say

My detractors are the Mumia zombies (for their bloodthirsty attacks with no sense for reason, logic, goodness or humanity).

First they'll ignore the fact that cop killers are bad people. They'll say, "That EMN jerk just doesn't like Black people! He's white! White people colluded to invent AIDS to kill Black people! White people are living on the backs of slavery!"

Here's where I get to tell you that I, and 99.9% of the rest of my fellow white people, are sickened by the idea of slavery, and do not sit around pining for its return. In fact, white people are the ones who ended it. White Christians even!

And the worst thing? Brown people sold all the slaves to white people. No one wants to admit that. If that fact were better known, maybe the religion of peace wouldn't be exploding (to coin a term) in America's jails among the Black population there.

Second, my detractors will say hey, Mumia wasn't there! A jury of his peers found he was, and that he committed the crime in a premeditated fashion. This is America; we're all peers. The bum on the street is equal in his or her citizenship to me. On a social level we are not, but the fundamental fact is that we all know the difference between right and wrong. It's the sociopaths who can't feel it.

And I think my detractors aren't feelin' it...

Cop Killers...

A lifetime of racism culminates in killing a white cop. Unsurprising shock.

He killed a cop, he deserves the ultimate justice. Yes, Justice for Mumia!

...but only if it's the executioner's needle...