Thursday, August 27, 2009

Not in my name

Liberals are experts at coopting terms and names for their use, and therefore monopolizing these terms and names to prevent use by their political enemies.

Case in point: "Not in My Name."

See this? Because Obama's buddies, Castro and Chavez, lost their friend in Honduras, we're about to punish the nation of Honduras to the tune of $150 Million/year. Much better to have commies in there who ignore the rule of law.

This would be a perfect time for freedom-loving people to get together for a "Not in my name" movement. But the libs stole the term.

Please, Execute Mumia Now in my name. That'll solve part of this mess.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Fire them, $ave BILLION$

95,000 employees of the State of California are ready to strike. They want to force the State to sign their new employment contract (I'm sure it includes all kinds of lovely pay raises, guarantees and benefits, too). They also don't like their pay being cut by 15% while they're furloughed three days a month. Let's see if I understand this right:

1. 95,000 people who still have their jobs
2. and can't really be fired, ever,
3. ...want to go on strike to force the State to sign something,
4. and they want more pay,
5. while their countrymen are losing their shirts, jobs, families and everything else.
6. The whole time, they get raises every year.

Remember, no one screams when State employees get pay raises, big benefits, and can't really be fired. Try installing that kind of setup at insurance companies, hedge funds or investment banks. It'll be on the front page of Time Magazine with a one-line header, "DEVIL" (next to a glorious picture of the Obamas headlined, "ANGELS").

AGAIN... they have jobs... and raises... and their compatriots in the DMV can't get drivers license photos right.

Please, Arnold, fire them all. Yep, put 95,000 people on the streets and invite everyone who's lost their jobs in the (ultimately superior) private sector to apply to replace them. Then the 95,000 losers can learn how to write their own resumes. And they can learn to do quality work with the actual possibility of losing their jobs for poor performance. Or they can try being entrepreneurs.

95,000 losers. Oops, I apologize. 72% of them voted for the strike. That's about.. 68,000 losers. I'll bet they end up joining the fake homeless people asking for free money on the side of the road, instead of getting real jobs.

Also: please, EXECUTE MUMIA NOW so we can make more room in jail for the 68,000 losers.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Shut it down!

Toyota has an auto plant in California. Just one. There isn't any other auto plant on the West Coast.

Evidently it was a joint venture with GM, which has pulled out. It's also Toyota's only unionized plant (probably a condition of having a JV with GM in the first place - just conjecture, but that's what I do).

Toyota, rightly so, is considering shutting it down. They should. Shut it down, don't absorb the ridiculous costs of doing business in this state! The ultra-leftist leadership in California deserves to be brought to their knees until the people of my beloved state throw them out of office on their behinds. They have ridden the wave of human ingenuity for decades, raising taxes and over-regulating and escaping the costs of it by a skyrocketing economy.

Shut down the plant, build one in a cheaper jurisdiction, and offer everyone their jobs back if they'll leave the state. That'll show'm.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Reality about H1N1 (SwineFlu) Numbers

First, let's set the stage.

Take this latest report about the Swine Flu (H1N1) virus focusing on Australia's ballooning numbers of infected. It says:

"...the national tally was now 10,387, more than 10 percent of the global total..."
"According to the UN's World Health Organization (WHO), 94,512 cases of A(H1N1) influenza have been reported, causing 429 deaths. "

Then if you go to (yes it forwards to a PC page for H1N1) you will see the US totals of
37,246 cases and 211 deaths.

For several reasons, all of these counts are dead wrong. I'll attack it roughly in reverse order.

First, the US numbers. These are -reported- cases and -confirmed- deaths. I'm pretty sure you have to test the dead body for infection to see if they died of this flu in particular. It would necessarily exclude old or sick people already dying of something else, homeless people, and the 12-25 Million illegals who live in the shadows because... they are here illegally. A topic for another day. So our numbers are deflated from reality.

Second, the worldwide numbers from the article. To say that Australia has 10% of the worldwide total is assuming the WHO's numbers are correct. They are not, for a couple of reasons. First, they're relying on numbers that are already flawed, as I point out above, in 1st world nations. Second is the fact that many cultures around the world are governed by pride and honor. It's a fact. These countries will -not- report that a significant percentage of their people are infected, or that deaths are drastically rising. It is because they have an old-world mentality that pride and national honor matter. They don't want their particular race to be painted with the brush stroke of life (or death, in this instance). They are most definitely -not- reporting accurate numbers, even if they care to collect them.

Unfortunately, the secrecy will ensure this virus continues to spread exponentially - if a country, we'll call it ItaliFranistan, had widespread infection which could be thwarted in some measure by a ban on travel to/from that country, it would hurt their economy and their status in the world. It also stems from the old days when a widespread infection, plague, or worse would cause family names to be destroyed, quarantines or even population wipeouts by armed troops. But these irrational fears don't make it right.

In fact, someone could say that the fear of losing tourism dollars could be a significant driving force behind hiding the true nature and extent of a country and/or region's infection with any disease, let alone H1N1.

For these reasons, stay healthy. And don't trust the WHO or the CDC. They're too PC to be correct on a matter of life-and-death.

(Don't forget the reports (here and here and here) that prison populations have a swine flu problem. One more reason to Execute Mumia Now.)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A little rant

All I set out to do when I rustled up a good friend and got'm to put together this blog was: EXECUTE MUMIA NOW. But times are a-changin'.

Let's talk about Al Franken. Besides being a moron who leverages his years on TV to lecture to the Right about how brilliant he is and how stupid we are, there isn't much to him. But he signifies a cancer upon the Right which I must address.

When the election was going on, my so-far-Right-I-sympathize-with-the-Left father, whom I adore, gave me a little lecture. I heard it from other like-minded individuals who would call into some of my favorite talk show hosts, and it went something like this:

"I'm staying home this [2008] election. I can't support what the Republicans have done with their runaway spending. They're just as bad as Democrats - worse, even, because we elected them and they're behaving like this. If I stay home and don't vote, we'll go back to the way it was before. Remember that? Do you remember when Bill Clinton was President and the Congress was Republican? Remember how good things were? If I stay home, that's how it will be again. A good ol' stalemate."

Well, Pops, I love ya, but you're wrong. By staying home, by not doing everything in your power to get anyone who even remotely agrees with you to vote, we have the debacle we're facing today. The economy is in a shambles and the government won't keep its filthy hands out of the problem. What does that do to any problem, when the State presumes to fix things? It gets even more fouled up.

That whole idea, about staying home, or voting but only on local issues? Comes from the Boomers. Yup, my Dad is a Boomer. As with all their other ideas, they're wrong. And they're ruining the world with their bad ideas, one false adage at a time.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Iran - my fellow ridiculous Americans

I didn't have to go very far to find the following comment regarding the 16 year old girl shot in Iran: "why is american media reporting on Iran like if we dont have problems here we need to resolve first," (typed by "lmaohater" on youtube in the comments section to the video).

I could have told you the second it happened we would have weak-spined, lily-livered, equivocating simpletons by the thousands who would have similar remarks. My fellow ridiculous Americans use this weak argument (which appeals to similarly weak people and their emotions) to decry getting involved in other countries, in judging murderers, and in getting into the space race. It is a powerful argument when you really think there is no difference between murderers and people just trying to have a fair election.

I am the first to acknowledge that "reformists" and "moderates" in Iran are hardly better - instead of wanting to dismember every Jew and American (like the bad guys in control over there) they just want to incinerate us. But there is a right and a wrong. A very smart person I work with was stuck on the fact that no one had 'proof' who killed this poor girl. That it could have been her own people, so we just shouldn't judge. The same argument says you never really can have proof, so how can you make anyone waste away in jail at all, or sentence them to death? It's going to be the downfall of our country, this equivocation, combined with a few of making decisions.

On the decisions front, it is this fear of committing to one which has given birth to the adage everyone feels smart in repeating, "There are no black and white choices in this world, just shades of grey." Weak people can repeat it a million times (and they do, adding a delightful condescending tone when they do), but it doesn't make it true. The world is full of decisions - from board games to spouses (another concept fallen prey to those who can't commit to a decision) to jobs to pets.

My people (Americans, Westerners, and anyone else who's not murderous) need to rediscover their sense of choice. And make choices, and stick to them.

And of course, that will help them decide to finally Execute Mumia Now.

Barney Frank needs to GO.

So let's see, Barney first brings out glorious economy to its knees through the subprime meltdown. Now, he decides that maybe we've recovered too fast and starts all over again trying to destroy us. This man can't be ignorant that he made this happen - if he's doing it a second time, it's intentional.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Health plans

The headline and blurb today on (website for the internationally-acclaimed San Diego Union-Tribune) reads:

Democrats seek quick pact on budget plan

Congressional Democrats push to wrap up negotiations on a budget plan that would help President Barack Obama's ambitious goal of overhauling the health care system. The tentative pact would prevent Senate Republicans from delaying or blocking Obama's health plan.

Just imagine if this story instead were about George W. Bush's efforts with a unified Republican Congress to overhaul Social Security. It might look like this:

Republicans' Closed-Door Session Putting 40 Million Elderly at Risk

Congressional Republicans are in a closed-door session to rush President Bush's risky Social Security scheme. House and Senate Democrats are protesting the move, pointing out that they have been kept out of the negotiations and that Republicans are skirting 200-year old Congressional rules in preventing their participation.

Monday, April 20, 2009

My new (pretty) hero

Really quickly, before the story's wiped off the 'net. Miss California, 1st runner up in Miss USA this year, said she opposes gay marriage. Good girl.

This past Friday, LGBT students at UCSD had a day of silence to protest the forced silence they feel they endure in society. From the drubbing this poor girl (Miss California) is getting, who's being oppressed?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wrongheadedness spawned by Obamism

Today the report came out that we are paying Filipinos extra money for defending their own homeland. They're looking at it all wrong. We didn't send Imperial Japan into the Philippines. We didn't encourage or want the Japanese to go on a killing spree over everyone they took over.

In the article, one vet says, "We were fighting the Japanese with our hands," and then called the US "stingy." Well, we gave them a much more effective way to fight the Japanese - with big, fat warships... with big, fat guns... and with a big, fat Navy and Army. It makes no sense to give them special payments for defending the Philippines.

Remember this, America. Remember not to do them any favors any more. It'll be cheaper next time.

Oh, and Execute Mumia Now.