Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A letter to a local right-wing host

Listening to Rick Roberts (who sometimes fills in for Michael Savage) this morning, I heard him talking about how Obama will ruin America. He talked about the capital gains doubling and how it will push people out of business. He complained that we'll have a Misery Index again. I'm sure the rest of the day will show a parade of radio hosts with the same complaints.

But I disagree. As I wrote to Rick via email today:


I love your show, but you're wrong.

If/when Obama wins, there will never be doom-and-gloom reports, Misery Indexes or anything else. Here's why: if you go to South Korea, and manage to find the banned radio broadcasts from Communist North Korea, every report begins with, 'Our Dear Leader is Kim Jong-IL' and then a few minutes about how wonderful and self-reliant the North is.

After Obama wins, every news broadcast will begin extolling B. Hussein Obama's virtues, and then how wonderful the US of A is, and then will mention a few things about the news. We will never hear about ppl going out of business. If anything, we'll hear about greedy business owners shutting their doors as the misers cling to their last profits.

They're coming after you, too. It will be a dangerous 8 years for all of us.


Yes, ladies and gents. You can look forward to 8 years of sunshine and lollipops. We have always been at war with Eastasia.