Friday, September 5, 2008


One more bit of analysis our high-paid news folks can't muster:

We know that today, Condoleeza Rice made the US' first official visit to Libya since 1957.
Also today, the head of the Libyan Oil Corporation said that the world oil supply is overstocked.
Later today, the price of oil fell below $106/barrel.

Let me spell it out for you. Part of the price of giving Libya this bit of prestige, was getting them to do something to push the price of oil down a bit. It does not matter whether the statement was based in fact; and it does not matter that the article about the oil price points to demand. What matters is fact: this statement was a tit-for-tat yet again, this time in our favor (in the short term).

In this case, we did make sure a bad guy was executed in the general vicinity of General Qaddafi (Saddam Hussein). If we kill more bad guys, more of this oil goodness will happen. Execute Mumia Now.

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