Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A little rant

All I set out to do when I rustled up a good friend and got'm to put together this blog was: EXECUTE MUMIA NOW. But times are a-changin'.

Let's talk about Al Franken. Besides being a moron who leverages his years on TV to lecture to the Right about how brilliant he is and how stupid we are, there isn't much to him. But he signifies a cancer upon the Right which I must address.

When the election was going on, my so-far-Right-I-sympathize-with-the-Left father, whom I adore, gave me a little lecture. I heard it from other like-minded individuals who would call into some of my favorite talk show hosts, and it went something like this:

"I'm staying home this [2008] election. I can't support what the Republicans have done with their runaway spending. They're just as bad as Democrats - worse, even, because we elected them and they're behaving like this. If I stay home and don't vote, we'll go back to the way it was before. Remember that? Do you remember when Bill Clinton was President and the Congress was Republican? Remember how good things were? If I stay home, that's how it will be again. A good ol' stalemate."

Well, Pops, I love ya, but you're wrong. By staying home, by not doing everything in your power to get anyone who even remotely agrees with you to vote, we have the debacle we're facing today. The economy is in a shambles and the government won't keep its filthy hands out of the problem. What does that do to any problem, when the State presumes to fix things? It gets even more fouled up.

That whole idea, about staying home, or voting but only on local issues? Comes from the Boomers. Yup, my Dad is a Boomer. As with all their other ideas, they're wrong. And they're ruining the world with their bad ideas, one false adage at a time.

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