Monday, July 20, 2009

Shut it down!

Toyota has an auto plant in California. Just one. There isn't any other auto plant on the West Coast.

Evidently it was a joint venture with GM, which has pulled out. It's also Toyota's only unionized plant (probably a condition of having a JV with GM in the first place - just conjecture, but that's what I do).

Toyota, rightly so, is considering shutting it down. They should. Shut it down, don't absorb the ridiculous costs of doing business in this state! The ultra-leftist leadership in California deserves to be brought to their knees until the people of my beloved state throw them out of office on their behinds. They have ridden the wave of human ingenuity for decades, raising taxes and over-regulating and escaping the costs of it by a skyrocketing economy.

Shut down the plant, build one in a cheaper jurisdiction, and offer everyone their jobs back if they'll leave the state. That'll show'm.

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